the north london
ukulele club
Adult Lessons
Available internationally on Zoom Pro
Please email, call or fill in the contact form on our website to inquire about 1-1 or 2-1 lessons

Trial lesson

'It's never been easier to learn!'
What you will learn
The club focuses on the basic skills required to allow you to use the ukulele to make music. This method does NOT require you to read music or to learn Music Theory though you will learn how to read ukulele tablature.
You will learn chords by name & forming them accurately then moving from chord to chord smoothly while strumming the strings in time with the music. You will also learn right hand simple strumming patterns, with thumb & finger brush and how to strum with a plectrum (to bump the sound up when desired).
At intermediate level the use of solo parts, riffs and fills (for more complex accompaniments), more complex strums, barre chords and finger picking.

What students say about us
“Thank you so much Margie,
I've been so inspired since seeing you and am playing every day. Big hug and see
you soon".
Kim Brown
Intermediate ukulele learner
Dec 19, 2014
“Hannah won the finals! Wednesday is the finalists performance together with the school choir and the school dance troupe. I am sure the work you did with her contributed to her final performance. Thank you”.
Kamali Freedman
Mum of 10yo learner
March 25, 2016
“You have put the fun back into learning! I have a sense of real achievement and want to learn more and more. Thank you”.
Phil Richards
Intermediate Ukulele Learner
May 7, 2016.
Our Past Classes and Workshops

Sunday 7th Feb 2016
Beginners 1 & 2
Herne Hill, South London
£18 per person
With Alexander Karl Gold
The Unique Komedy Ukulele Orchestra – TUKUO
& Margie Jammie – NLUC
Duration: 2 hours
Session 1: 45min – 2 - 2.45
30min tea break
Session 2: 45min 3.15 - 4pm
Contact us for more info